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Thanks to our range of high-quality epoxy products offered at an affordable price, you can leverage the creative possibilities, both simple and complex, of this trendy art form. We've developed epoxy products that give you access to myriad types of handcrafted mouldings and an infinite number of colours, including metallic pigments.

We’ll be with you every step of the way: preparation (or repair), coating, and protection. Whether it's a piece of handcrafted jewellery or woodwork, a countertop or a floor covering, you can create unique and original works of unrivalled durability and sturdiness.

Ice Epoxy products have been designed to make your job easier. They have a pleasant texture and dry quickly for a perfect finish. As soon as you start using the resin we've created for you, you’ll see that you can quickly improve your craft technique by following a few simple instructions.

All you need to do is use the right accessories and read the mixing instructions carefully, and you'll get the results you want quickly and easily.

Have an idea in mind? Do you have any questions? Contact us. We'll work with you to determine the type of resin to use, the product format to order online and the type of pigment, finish and protection that's right for your project.